Market Linkage

Marketing support is critical for the growth and general success of enterprises, and many businesses with immense potential have failed due to inability to access the right markets with their products. Market linkages offer young entrepreneurs support in effectively accessing markets for their products:

  1. 1. Facilitating and supporting small youth owned enterprises to develop linkages with large established enterprises/institutions for business and mentorship; and Facilitating the marketing of products and services of enterprises in domestic, regional and international markets.
  1. 2. It is aimed at meeting the diverse marketing challenges faced by entrepreneurs, while appreciating the diversity and complexities in the economic sectors they operate in.
EDI annually invites its clients to different bazars and trade fairs where they will be able to exhibit their products & services for significant number of visitors and make actual sale and generate revenue. These trade fairs are helpful for micro and small enterprises to meet their actual and potential buyers, meet key industry players, share experience from one another and exchange market information.
In addition, EDI facilitates platforms for clients in which they can build a network and solve their common business related challenge that they face. Client forums and group Business Development Service training sessions can be good examples. Clients of EDI have created a social media group to realize knowledge sharing and problem mitigation on the areas of their businesses.